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SIM sends people, develops projects and prays for mission around the world to reach people who don't know the Gospel. Do you want to get involved? You can support our ministry through financial support, prayer or volunteering. Thank you so much!

Support an envoy

How to support us ?

Reintegration project in West Africa
West Africa

This project helps young street women and their children in West Africa, who are often confronted with prostitution. It offers them a safe environment to rebuild their lives. The program covers recept ... Read more

How can my company get involved?

I'm convinced that my company and the mission can work together.

Can I find professional synergies with a project?

Can I honour my employees by involving their workplace in a humanitarian project?

Can I enhance my company's ethics by associating it with a project that values human beings?

Let's talk about it!

How will my legacy be used?

My life has been devoted to the mission, and I'd like that interest to last even longer.

Inheritances and legacies are an opportunity to support the proclamation of the Good News.

We have produced a brochure to help you understand all the relevant procedures.

Download the brochure

I would like to talk about it